Organization Membership
The benefits of joining Assabet Valley Camera Club begin with the list below. AVCC enjoys a large, enthusiastic membership and the benefits of such a pool of knowledge and enthusiasm are often intangible and hard to list.
- Inspiration - Getting inspired by new techniques or new photo locations.
- Networking - Sharing your ideas and work with like-minded people and with photographers from different backgrounds and talents. With a broad background of members and a proven track record in competitions with other clubs, we like to think networking is especially fun and educational at AVCC.
- Motivation - Added motivation to photograph, have fun, enjoy experiences among people with similar interests in photography.
- Compete - Enter competitions within the club and represent the club in inter club competitions.
- Participate in Field Trips and Events with people who want to photograph.
- Learn through Club Workshops.
- Receive the club newsletter, Focal Point.
- Post your best in our Photo Gallery.
If you think you would like to become a member of Assabet Valley Camera Club, you can join at any time. Print and fill out the membership form, it can be mailed or brought to any club meeting. We look forward to meeting you!
Membership is for one year commencing September 1st. If you join after January 1, your dues covers the entire next club year as well.
Family (members in same household)
Senior (age 65 and above)
Senior Household
Printable Membership Form
For more information, please contact us at Information
Create an Account
If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account
and request membership in this organization.
If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization,
login with your account and use the menu "My Account",
"Organizations" to request
membership in this organization.
That page will also provide links to other organizations.
If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event,
you do not need to request membership.
If you have an existing account with any organization using the
Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account.
If you do not have an account and do not need membership,
use the button below to create a Guest account.